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Real Time Data Visualisation

A project completed with visualisation in mind with the help of collaborative creative people and with lot of hard work. Although this was the stepping stone of a larger and more complex idea, real time data visualisation holds the key to understand our future world. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the sheer volume of data by visualising data transmission between a device (smartphone) and Internet for a controlled period of time. This project falls in to three main areas and Visualization (Art), Engineering (ICT/Science) and Big Data.      

Design Thinking framework was followed for this project with singularity theme. Series of research was completed and from a variety of data visualization methods, I was more interested in real time visualization technologies and with my past experience as a network engineer the project felt feasible and intreating at the same time. Processing was used as the programming language to create visualisations, and 2 projectors with projection mapping is used for an interactive presentation where a viewer can connect to a wireless access point using their smartphone (any smart device) and all the data activities will be represented through an animated graphic design. 

Visualisation Process
Studio Setup
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